Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Why do we ask questions?

Why do we really ask questions? The obvious answer might be, "to know, to acquire some new knowledge/information about this world and our life". But do we really need this knowledge? Would it make you happier? or wiser? or more open-minded? or any other "more" or "-er"? If the answer is positive, then do you think all the people in this world ask questions, like you do? what if some don't? What if they don't even know that they can ask questions? or,simpler, they donot need this knowledge for their lives - "The less you know, the better you sleep". Does it make their lives any worse than yours? If yes, then why don't they want to change it? if no, then why do you still ask questions?


  1. You can ask a lot of questions meanwhile a great girl whom you met in your life will marry someone else. The thing is- girls were born to ask , men are there to act and fight. Seriously - There is a thing about that all- with asking questions you are doing nothing. I'm a professional in it, so if you want to ask questions about asking questions and you really do want to do nothing - contact me. I am a girl. A great one.

  2. For every question you will find a different motivation......some are just curious, some just "need" to know, some because they are polite, some just for a short talk, some because they need the information for research.......and I could list more and more!! So my question is why do YOU ask questions?? And why do you get confused afterwards? Warm regards from France my dear Alex

  3. "To be or not to be, that is the question" :)

    You are thinking in such an old-fashioned way when saying that girls were born to ask and guys were born to fight. Now is no longer the stone age when men brought food home and women sat in the cave "thinking" about life. It's 21st century, and the world is completely upside down: men are the best cooks, women can do business better...
    If a girl is a "thinker", she is destined to get married with a "fighter"-guy. And a guy-"thinker" will marry a "fighter"-girl. Can't be any other way...

  5. To FRED:
    I guess I ask questions to understand this world and life better. But it looks like it's a big task for a human brain to grasp the meaning of everything and to understand why things are the way they are.
    And wont' you agree that in any case, it is the need for information that makes us ask questions: even when, as you said, we ask questions because of being polite, won't it be the need for information to fill the "silence gap" in communication? another thing is, that in this case you might not store this info deep in your brain, as it can be just a useless information for you, the one you donot need for your life...

  6. Can imagine woman in a cage thinking about the life and asking questions and all around is a stone age...wow...if people could hardly speak any language could they think at all? ! And frankly i suppose even in this age - women were working same much as their men. We are here about asking questions not about an ability to work. Nu blabla. Doesnt matter. Im not thinking the way of stereotypes, im thinking the way our nature created us. Women are emotional creatures, were born to take care and give a love. Its in a blood. We do ask much questions - because one day we would be asked by our children for the answers. Men are fighters for women and after it -with a women behind their backs. They are to prove their power. Should be this way, but world is also full of men , which are like women and women like men. (by the way its seen even in appearance)Its a different subject. I wanted just to tell you here- that with asking questions you are doing nothing. I do still think so. And i dont like to justify or argue. I warned you - everybody is right. So just listen to our points and ....just listen...listen and listen. If you do not have anything to do to make happy yourself or somebody else in your real world. With a making surprises to people whom you like or giving flowers to a girls or boys that you like, to help to your parents and so on , so on- what i do belive is much better then to ask questions. Now got it???
